Seize Your Adventure
Seize Your Adventure
Epilepsy, Adventure and the Outdoors in a Pandemic

Epilepsy, Adventure and the Outdoors in a Pandemic

So this is actually a sneaky extra episode of Season Two because I wanted to add a little prologue before we get into the season.

Most of the interviews in the first part of this season were recorded in a very different world to one in which they are being released. The UK and a lot of the world are on lockdown because of the coronavirus pandemic. And like many in the outdoor community, in some ways seems odd to be releasing a podcast about getting outside, adventuring, not washing for days in some cases, when at the moment I am advocating for the opposite - stay close to home, stay inside.

But I do feel that this is what makes Seize Your Adventure is more relevant than ever. The podcast has always toed that narrative between access to the outdoors, and being cut off from it. In many of the stories and interviews in Season Two, we talk about losing the ability to drive to our favourite places, or being stuck in hospital when mother ocean is calling. This series dives even deeper in the ways epilepsy has limited adventurous people, and how more importantly how they have either adapted to these limits. A lot of my guests talk about the long path to acceptance of living with the condition - including the fluctuations in amounts of seizures and way what we are capable of can change so quickly. And we also talk about the mental health difficulties that can spring upon us even when seizure-free - things such as anxiety and depression that are difficult to attribute to either physiology of our brains, or the psychology.


I have - finally, after much prompting - set up a new Patreon account! If you appreciate the work I do, you can support me with monthly payments of as little as $3, less than the cost of a drink!

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It is a strange time in the world, and I think we can all do with a bit of good storytelling, adventure and heart-to-heart conversations in our lives.

If you are in a position to support, I can continue doing this thing!


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This podcast is an independent production - costs of the show are covered by me (Fran) with the support of patrons. If you want to help support the show financially, head to This will help me to continue telling stories of epilepsy in adventure.

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Seize Your Adventure is part of the Tremula Network - adventure and outdoor podcasts off the beaten track. To find out more, head to

Seize Your Adventure
Seize Your Adventure
Seize Your Adventure is a multi-tool: a great adventure podcast that is also an epilepsy podcast.
From long-distance hikes in Europe to skiing in snowstorms, the storytelling episodes share life-changing journeys and the smaller moments spent between seizures.
The ‘chats’ with guests dive into the deeper stuff, the hidden aspects of taking on adventures with epilepsy - from carrying medication in a backpack, to assessing seizure risks in the wilderness and recognising limitations.
Plus we investigate the perceptions of epilepsy in society and the adventure community.
Hosted by Fran Turauskis Seize Your Adventure is part of the Tremula Network.